Chapter 10
We’re awake on this Sunday morning and the weather is calm, cold and very clear.

It will be nice not to have to fight weather for a couple of days. It appears looking at the current surface weather that we are in for 2-3 days of clear weather. All of the storms we’ve been fighting are now behind us.

We woke early and headed to the “Great Falls” of Montana. Well, I didn’t think they were so “great” but got the best picture I could even though the falls are basically under the influence of very large dams now. I can’t believe that people let this happen.

So we ended up in the Great Falls early in the morning and there were all kinds of animals up at that time of the morning.

One of the most interesting things we did today was visit the “Gates of the Mountains” that Lewis named because the Missouri river seemed to open gates as they traveled along their route.

While we were on the tour we saw eagles in flight and visions of Indian’s in life’s past.

The guide said the Indians believed the mountains had spirits and if you look close you might see them. So I looked as close as I could and only saw spirit faces, a spirit elephant and a spirit rhino.

There were so many things we could take pictures of and I’m not sure there is any way to describe this place with words or pictures.

But without a doubt one of the most important things we did today was to visit the headwaters of the Missouri river, where the Missouri river starts it’s life. The Missouri Headwaters State Park is at N45º 55.575 W111º 30.178. It is at the confluence of he Jefferson, Madison and Gallatin rivers where the Missouri River is created. Really, it’s something to see. If you got in a tube and floated to the gulf you’d get there in 2.5 months. No, that’s not my next vacation!

I am now in Dillon Montana at N45º 13.596 W112º 37.714 (Best Western). It’s a dirty little town since they have decided to dig up the streets here. I asked the locals what city “planner” decided to dig up all the streets and they all roll their eyes and say, “I don’t know”. So, if you’re coming to Dillon, MT plan on bringing a water hose to clean off your vehicle.
Tonight I’m 1,825 miles from home “as the crow flies”. I miss my family.
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— Main.JohnWesterman – Published 08 Aug 2004
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