Today’s walk with Mongrel

Ug. I had so much work to do today.

Still, I want to make sure I walk with Mongrel. The walks are so fun and interactive. I swear he thinks he’s a dog.

You don’t believe me? Watch this:

We do this every day multiple times a day. It doesn’t have to be me, it could be a perfect stranger. If you take the time to be with him he’ll walk with you and talk to you. That sounds like the need of every other breathing creature I know.

Besides the squirrel who seem to say to Mongrel, “You got it in ya, buddy?!” we also saw a couple of woodpeckers, bluebirds and loads of other wildlife before I had to come back in and get back to work.

After work I managed to cut some of the tall grass that we were not able to harvest because of the rain.

Sometimes you have to work when you have the time. Today it was well after my work day. I’ll get the rest of the grass this week. It’s a bummer we couldn’t bail it for the animals to eat. It’s just been too wet this year.

I hope you’ve had a nice day.

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