On Saturday, 18 February 2018, the day started cool in bright sunlight. There was a winter storm warning for later in the day where they said the weather would change and become overcast and quickly dump 3-5 inches of snow on the ground. I didn’t believe them until it started snowing.

It was about 30º and the air was very moist making the snow sticky which quickly covered everything.

The next morning I got up and flew my drone to take some pictures of the snow covered landscape knowing that the temperatures were about to rise and it would likely all be gone soon.

And, no kidding, it didn’t take long. By the time 5pm rolled around the sky was super clear and sun uber-bright casting long high contrast shadows everywhere.

With Mongrel on top of the bird house I noticed it cast a cool shadow on the ground behind us. I snapped a few photos. He’s on the house because the ground it totally saturated with water. It’s like walking on a big sponge out here.
So many places are doing without water. This just doesn’t happen to be one of them.
Mongrel really doesn’t like having his picture taken so I have to be coy about all this photography thing. When the camera is pointed away he will do his own thing. The second I put the lens in his direction he complains. So if I shoot a photo of him you now know it’s extremely quick and has to be right the first time or he’ll move off.

This winter the temperatures have been so cold, colder than I remember previous years being. For several weeks we had temperatures consistently below freezing with lows near zero every day.
That changes tomorrow with a high of 75º in the afternoon. I’m really hoping I can peel off and get a motorcycle ride in during the evening hours. Work is busy so that may not happen.
Maybe spring really is only a few weeks away.
Other than droning I got to fly some of my other aircraft during the calmer parts of the days without precipitation. That was fun but I have no photography of that. Also spent a ton of time with my radio hobby but not photos of that either.
It’s been a fun, long weekend but that all changes in the morning.
Oh, it is morning.
Off to bed.