Chapter 22
Thank God we are leaving Salina today for some point east of Saint Louis, Missouri. Dad and I will part ways just west of Saint Louis where he’ll go to Columbus and me to Lovettsville.
As you can see from the attached weather summaries we are chasing this weather system all the way across the USA. Hopefully, it will continue to be mild on my way home. We both have been pretty lucky to miss the worst of it. It’s possible that I will not be rained on at all tomorrow … but I’ll be prepared if I do.
Dad and I parted ways today after riding 6600 miles together over the last 20+ days. It was only fitting that we do this at a non-descript gas station in a place we could never find again trying to figure out where our next stop would be. Neither of us knew.
We both agreed today that if either of us got some wise-assed idea to ride 8000 miles on a motorcycle anytime soon that the other would smack the one who suggested it.
After riding 300 miles with dad to Saint Louis I rode 300 more to Indianapolis, Indiana. I’m on the east side of of the city for quick egress the heck out of here early in the morning. If my sleep patterns hold true, I’ll be out of here by 7 am.
It’s been a great ride. A real fun time.
Tomorrow I return home to my family. Only 550 miles to go.
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— Main.JohnWesterman – Published 21 Aug 2004
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