Chapter 21
Well, it’s going to be cool today. I’m afraid the rest of the ride today will be much like yesterday evening. We’ve got to do another 500+ miles in bad weather.
I think it was somewhere between the hotel room and the lobby that I first thought, “You know, for a couple of hundred dollars we could ship these motorcycles and take a plane home!!!” After a hundred miles, it was too late for any of that… so we pressed on… 🙂
We made it to Salina, Kansas today, 442 miles on what has got to be the most boring road in America. To top it all off, I think we stayed in the dumpiest hotel on the trip.
Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas is nothing but a sea of land. I-70 is very straight and mostly flat where the only thing that really changes is the altitude.
For the first time on the trip I took no pictures.
Tomorrow dad and I continue toward Saint Louis, Missouri where we will part ways then head on to our respective homes.
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— Main.JohnWesterman – Published 19 Aug 2004
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