It was a busy day of work that started very early but an otherwise quiet day.
There wasn’t much interesting to talk about or take a picture of while I was working and nothing interesting to report there. After working more when I got home it finally stopped around 6pm. Mongrel, Gloria and I went for a walk for a few minutes to enjoy the sunset and quiet evening in the country.
Sunset yoga at home.
One of my video cameras caught us during a time lapse.
You can see in the video how calm the weather is but what you can’t see is how humid and hot it is. At sundown the temperature is still in the 80’s and the humidity is above 90%.
The trees are starting to change ever so slightly all over the county. They must be confused by the warmer weather we’ve had. I think that the lack of sunshine during the day is what triggers all that. The colors may not be as bright as they’ve been in years past with all the rain and warmer weather. But I’m just guessing on that.
I flew one of my RC planes before the sun went completely down. The wind was calm and air smooth which makes for good weather to do aerobatics. So I did a ton of aerobatics. By the time I landed I could barely see the plane if it weren’t for the strobe lights I have on it. That’s always good fun.
Today it will rain most, if not all, of the day. We are thrilled:
“I … will … wait … right …. here …..”
He’ll be waiting a while for the rain to stop.
Conveniently the girl cats came inside this morning, ate and slithered downstairs without me noticing. Mongrel was outside and wanted inside almost immediately when he was the weather. So I shut the basement door and let him in while leaving the back window open so he can come and go.
Eventually he came up where I’m working, protested for a short period of time before laying down and playing with anything that moves. Then asleep.
That’s sort of how I woke up this morning. First at 6 (this will never happen unless the house is on fire), then 7, then 8 … fed the cats … then 9 and finally up at 10am for good.
I’m very curious if that video will work for you since I’m not sending it through YouTube like I normally would.
Yesterday I spent most of the day cutting all 20 acres of grass on the property knowing that it was going to be raining all day today. I sort of unmotivated to go do much of anything other than work on my computer here in my office today. Maybe later this afternoon I’ll grab my camera and head for the hills. We’ll see.
The rain has subsided some enabling me to go outside and snap a few photos.
It’s about nightfall … where do these guys go when it’s dark outside?A bumble bee all clumbsy and covered in pollen.
Sundays really should be just lazy, do nothing days.
I had to give up some blood for a blood test this morning at 8:30 so I was up early to head out for that appointment. I didn’t get to see the actual sunrise but I did get to see the start of an early morning around here.
Sometimes it’s hard to think about how peaceful my existence is when there is so much crazy going on around me. Run. Fight. Hide.
The work I do has been interesting and stimulating lately. Things change a lot, the opportunity to learn new things is nearly constant and the level of work load has been very manageable unlike years past. So it’s all good. I’m enjoying this time of life.
As much as I hate to admit it I did some damage to my tower 2 this past weekend by putting excessive load on the lifting structure at the base of the tower.
It started out by trying to unwind a steel cable that was binding on the worm drive drum. After extending the tower on the ground I needed to lift it like 4″ to clear the high point of the ground. I thought I could lift it extended that much but instead of lifting it did this damage. Ugh. I’ll need a new tower base and lifting arms. I don’t trust metal that has been bent like this. Once it’s bent it’s no longer good. Unfortunately, I think I ruined it.
The tower up/down mechanisms are still fine. But the lifting mechanisms need some work. The power of a worm drive winch is nothing short of amazing. Every time I move that tower it’s a bit frightening at some level. There is a lot of steel and technology on that thing. That it moves is simultaneously both wonderful and unnerving.
Fall (autumn equinox) was Friday, September 22 (today)at 4:02 PM. Happy fall, y’all.
It doesn’t feel much like fall yet outside while it’s still 90º during the day at some point. We haven’t had rain in a while so things are drying out pretty good but that is totally normal. Frankly surprised it didn’t dry up a bit in August but August was cool and wet for us here.
I took a lunch break and saw the bees actively getting all the honey they could. I think this is a golden rod plant which I masked to black and white to show the bee a little better. The sun was wicked bright today so the light was quite harsh.
Bee on Golden Rod
When I look at this photo on the blog it looks “fake”. But it’s really not. here is the unmasked photo:
It’s so interesting what you can do with a computer and photography these days. I often wonder how one would go about doing something like this if all we had to work with was a negative and dark room. I suspect it would be quite difficult if not impossible.
This is easy to do with Photoshop. Just create a black and white layer mask and “unmask” where you want to color to come through. A few “scribbles” with a mouse or Wacom pencil will complete the work.
I flew my drone about ¾ mile away from home to check out the pavement on 287 near our home. I didn’t make it off the property today so I have no idea of their progress. Turns out the road is still not paved.
While I was up there I took a few photos of the farm. Here’s one above the back fields after a hay harvest today. The drone was about 100 meters in the air at the time.
Fall hay harvest complete
With no clouds in the sky it’s easy to take some high contrast black and white images. When I was looking at the images I was trying to figure out why my camera had these dots on the image. When I zoomed in it was clear that these are spiders building their night webs in the tall grass. If I posted this on Facebook all that detail would be erased. But if you click on the picture below you’ll see them.
Sunset and spiders in the grass
Another fall day begins early tomorrow morning. All critters here have found their safe spot, box or both. I hope you’ve found yours too.
As you know, I don’t get up early enough to see most of these.
As summer moves into fall the sun rises more to the right of my window each morning. As we get closer to October it seems like it goes much faster each day than the day before.
When the air temperature is different than the ground temperature we experience the low lying fog every morning that blows about in the light wind. This happens pretty much every spring and fall morning when the sky is clear or mostly clear. Today was no exception.
It’s nice here today. Barely a whisper of wind under a mostly clear sky.
Tonight we start planning for the Lovettsville Oktoberfest event in the small city near our home. I volunteer at this event with the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group. It’s a fun few days if you have time and are near here.
Tomorrow is the first night of the festival and then Saturday is the crazy day when 10-15,000 people show up between 6am and 6pm in this dinky town of Lovettsville. It’s a fun time at a great time of year around here. The weather is supposed to be basically perfect this weekend and on into next week.
These flowers grow as weeds in our yard. The other day I had to weed eat around this rock and thankfully they came back a few weeks later. When they all get together and grow all at the same time they are pretty flowers that look like they’ve been planted there.
Snap dragons
And, of course, what a normal day would be without a climbing exercise on our walk together?
It was a quiet but very full day. I spent most of the day on the phone on work related projects that I needed to complete today. I don’t normally talk about work but that’s what I do during the week from the time I wake until the time I sleep. I may play in between but I think about work all the time.
Speaking of playing, I was able to fly both my drone and RC plane today. It was one of those super harsh sunny days where there is no clouds in the sky. On these days it’s super hard to take a good picture that is not all washed out. It’s hard to look up at what you are controlling from the ground and for the same to look down and take a decent photo.
Of all the photos I took during the day this the one I liked the most.
Sunny day in Virginia, September 19, 2017
I post in Facebook as well but Facebook will down sample the image and make it look like junk. If you touch the one here you’ll get a full photo that you can fill your screen with and really see what it looks like. Even this one is downsampled a bit. It’s only a JPEG image out of a GOPRO 3 camera. It’s amazing what that little camera will do. When it’s hung under a drone and lifted into the air I just think it changes everything about photography.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw a picture from the bottom of a drone. It was way, way before it was the cool thing to do. I was mesmerized. I mentioned to Gloria that this is going to be a big thing when it catches on. And it did catch on. People like Casey Neistat became quite famous flying drones and publishing videos.
One of the things I did today was work on my weather station. The Raspberry Pi computer had a disk failure and won’t boot. A year ago I bought some “cheap” microSD cards to use as disks. They have all failed so that didn’t pay off. Name brands for me from now on. I’ll pay a little extra for those things now. None of the SanDisk brands have failed even after years of use. They are not hard to fix but it takes too much time. I’ll have my weather station back working again tomorrow.
Mongrel and I didn’t go for our normal walk today. Instead we played in the grass. Well, he played in the grass while I troubleshot my weather station some during one of my breaks from work. Watch it to the end if you want to see what it looks like for a cat to run through grass like a deer … but he’s only a cat.
We won’t tell him he’s any different.
It’s quiet here. Everyone is sleeping. Tomorrow is on the horizon and should be similar to today.
I hope you’ve had a nice day today. If not, I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
I woke with no specific plan and no place I really wanted to go.
After reading a bit I got up, showered and headed out the door after feeding the cats and eating a light breakfast. Mongrel was all over me to go for a walk so off we went. Like our other walks we stopped at the same trees, inspected everything we’ve inspected before just to be sure and walked essentially the same path as we always do. There’s always something new to see and interesting lights to capture.
Me and my shadow.
Mongrel is content just to be with me. But we’ve got to figure out how to travel in a car together if I am to satisfy his need to be around humans all the time. He’s not a fan of the car.
I ended up in Shepherdstown, WV where I visited with Timothy a little as he played guitar on the steps of the old McMurran Hall. His message is the same; be patient, read the bible, be kind to others, do as Jesus would do.
Timothy with two books: bible and music selections.
I like his guitar sound. But we mostly talked.
On the way home I hung close to the Potomac river and the tiny roads next to the C&O Canal. I stopped at places I normally just drive past to take a few pictures.
I tend to like the landscape photos but this one shows more of the sky and clouds. This part of the Potomac is dammed up south of here near Harpers Ferry that allows people to use normal boats here. There were several pontoons and others mixed with a kayak or two.
The C&O canal extends as far east as Georgetown, District of Columbia all the way up to Cumberland, Maryland. It may go further up towards Ohio but I’m not sure. It’s a long way. You could spend several days on a bike on this if you wanted. It’s said to be slightly declining as you go east. However, when I get on it it is uphill in both directions. I can’t figure that out.
What day would be complete without several ascents into the trees?
Mongrel very focused during his tree acrobatics
Gloria came home tonight from her trip with her mom and sisters. We got to walk together before the sun went down. It was fun to hear about her travel to Cleveland, the restaurants, boat, people and other stories. She let me try to take some portraits of her.
Weary traveler back home – I love her smile.
I’m trying to teach myself how to augment some of my photography with a flash. Flash photography is something I just haven’t spent much time doing over the years. You wouldn’t think you’d need a flash on a sunny day like today … but it helps when the sun is in the sky like this.
And if I could fit just one more thing into the day it would always have something to do with an RC plane or drone. Mongrel joins me in these 20-30 minutes flying sessions. As I bring the plane in slow for landing he will chase after it like it’s a rabbit. It’s pretty funny to watch.
Mongrel ready for “final approach” and landing chase – the plane sounds like an owl when it flies (very quiet). – Photo credit: Gloria Westerman
I started with no plan and ended up with a full day. It’s dark now. I’ll finish this blog and go down and do radio for an hour or two before I finally give in for he day. I did as many of the things I like to do as I could. I was with as many people that I love that I could. Tomorrow’s a “work day” but I hope it is as interesting as today.
This is the sunrise out my office window this morning. You know the drill, I wasn’t up to see it personally but my Raspberry Pi was.
The sun is moving into the southern sky as fall approaches. There is a very pronounced Coriolis effect going on in the clouds while the fog moves around this very dewey morning.
I was up early working with an arborist to try to figure out if we could save three ash trees that are being consumed by ash borer bugs brought in from China. I learned this morning that 90% of all of the ash trees in Virginia are dead or dying.
One of our trees is gone. His suggesting for the others is to enjoy them while they are around and plant something else in their spot.
Attending a total solar eclipse was not anywhere on my bucket list a few months ago. A few months ago I decided to put it on my list and attend the solar eclipse that will happen on August 21, 2017.
We are going to be able to take in the solar eclipse on the line of totality in the small city of Andrews, North Carolina. We’ve been planning this trip for a very long time now and set off this morning to go “stare at the sun”.
We’ve planned for a “mini disaster”
We are going to view the eclipse right smack dab on the “totality line” which means for over two full minutes the sun will be completely GONE! That will happen at about 2:36pm on Monday, August 21.
NC Totality Map – Featuring Andrews
We’ll be camping on a ball field in Andrews where the totality line will pass through the outfield of the park. That is where we’ll be camping and viewing the event. I think the only thing we could do better is to be closer to the place on earth that totality will be the longest but that would only gain us about 2 seconds as seen from this map. That is just how close we are to the place that will have the longest totality experience.
Totality length map
The drive down to NC today was like nothing I’ve experience before. We took a route mostly down I-81 which was gridlock at times on this perfectly clear weather day. Tomorrow I hope to capture some of the maps as Google/Waze keeps the route updates with the latest traffic flow information. If today is any indication, tomorrow will be a serious travel headache for many who plan on coming down then. Monday? Forget it!
This is going to be a continuing document. As I write down my experience I’ll upload all of the details as I have access to the Internet. I’m told by many that where Internet was normally available it might not be available on Monday. Or to even make a phone call for that matter. That being the case, I have brought my radio equipment for both entertainment and in case an emergency really does happen I’ll be ready to figure it out. I also plan on doing some science with radio in the coming days.
It’s Sunday, August 20 now. We left Bryson City around 9am this morning and headed on to Andrews, NC where we’ll be setting up our tent for the night so we don’t have to travel tomorrow to the location where we will be viewing the eclipse.
Part of what I did today was volunteer some time to help the science teacher of the middle school in Andrews explain some radio science that NASA provided to the school. They did hourly presentations on “radio JOVE” which is what I have been helping with.
As I get more information, photos and the like I’ll keep this updated. Right now I’ve completely run out of juice and have to got to bed.
Update: It’s 11:45 and we just got home about 30 minutes ago, unpacked and ready for the day tomorrow. We were on the road today for 14-15 hours trying to get back home in gridlocked traffic jams all the way up to DC. That was after going 74 miles in 3-4 hours yesterday right after the eclipse. I don’t have the energy to stay up all night and then work all day tomorrow so I’ll get with my photography tomorrow.
C1 to C2 contacts points:
Just after C1.Eclipse through some clouds.Just prior to totalityTotal eclipse of the sun. Andrews, NC. 2:36pm August 21, 2017
More to come… I have to get up at 5:30 to go to work tomorrow.
It’s August 24, 2017, a little after midnight. I’ve been working on some of the time lapse photography today and think I have a sequence going after sorting through 10,000 photos. My computer was acting a bit strange as I worked to sew things together. I’ve finally got a first-cut sequence in the works. It’s taken over an hour so far for my computer to start the process which it’s about 80% through now. I’m going to try to stay up to get to the point of rendering a video and then head on to bed.
I’ve notice that my GoPro camera might be in the process of failing as some of the images didn’t come out perfectly. I think I’ll be able to take some of the images out that didn’t take properly. Some of them were corrected when I cropped the images. When you watch the video you will notice some pink images from time to time. That’s an error in the GoPro camera.
To process the images I use a tool called “LR Timelapse Version 4” I’ve used this program for years. The developer, Gunther Wegner, has kept this software updated and improved over the years. It works in conjunction with Adobe Lightroom to be able to edit the sequence the way you want. Essentially, Lightroom does the heavy lifting for editing enmasse and outputs to LRTimelapse for the sewing of the video. I don’t know how else you’d do something like this and you certainly could not do it easily by hand. 30 years ago, I don’t know how you’d put this together with a film camera either.
Lightroom has the ability to make massive edits to thousands of files for things like lens correction, which is important for a GoPro camera to correct aspect ratios, image quality, size, shape, color correction and similar settings. For example, I can crop the first image to a 16:9 aspect and have all of the other photographs have the exact same cropping.
16:9 aspect is very common. It’s the size and shape of most TV screens and computer monitors. Whereas a 1:1 aspect ratio is good for a photo or video posted on Instagram. I don’t know why Instagram likes square stuff, but ok, whatever. They like you to fit your round objects in their square sockets which is one big reason I don’t like using Instagram for stuff like this. Sometimes my stuff is portrait, sometimes landscape. Most often it’s larger then they allow on their servers. Sometimes it’s not worth the trouble to fit my stuff in their format so it doesn’t get posted there.
Facebook will let you post anything you want in the aspect ratio you prefer but what they won’t do is keep the image quality to it’s original for either a photo or a video.
Back on this video. When I finish the first cut I’ll have to work on the final cuts. For that I use Apple Final Cut Pro which allows me to edit video at scale and add anything I want to it like captions, music and the like. I haven’t figured out what I want to do in that regard yet.
After the first cuts I’ll have to figure out how annoying the bad images are going to be and then go through them one at a time and either edit or remove them. After I do that I’ll have to get a new first cut which will take another 2-3 hours of rendering. As I write this paragraph the process of rendering the first cut for the first time has started.
When this first cut is complete I’ll have to find a place to post it so you can download or view it. That will likely be YouTube because DropBox frowns on that kind of thing and don’t allow embedding like I plan on doing here.
While we wait on that, it’s a good time to mention the Eclipse of 2024. You will need to start planning this event now. Figure out where you want to be in the path of the eclipse. Tilt things in your favor by making sure you are in a place where the weather will cooperate traditionally for you in the area you want to go. For more information on that eclipse you can go to NASA’s web site here. We plan on going!
Helen and Gloria awaiting the eclipse arrival.
Helen and some of her friends came down to join us from college at Virginia Tech University. They set up their tents next to ours on Sunday night and were able to enjoy the eclipse with us.
Staying out of the sun for a while.Frisbee games in the hot NC sun.Serious eclipse card gamesFriends and family; and a sweet old dog.Who owns whom?
While we waited for the eclipse to arrive there was much tale telling under our shade tent. My only regret was not taking more actual video of people talking, especially during the eclipse, and more photos of just the normal happenings around me. Gloria picked up my professional camera and didn’t know the focus is “manually activated” so a lot of the photos she took were blurry. While they help tell the story I am not going to publish them here.
It’s no surprise to my family but I brought some of my radio gear with me to have while I observed the eclipse. There was a ton of chatter on all of the bands about what was about to happen. We were on a “grid square” of EM85 with a coordinate of 35.20490 -83.81650. I used this coordinate to calculate the exact time of all of the event contact points.
HF Radio, cameras and other stuff I brought with me to observe some science and astronomy.Dipole antenna system – 20 and 40 meter antennae.
The antenna is built out of common wire I bought at Lowes, constructed in my back yard and tuned to the frequencies I wanted to operate. It worked perfectly for what I was using it for. It’s not like my other station antennas that are very high off the ground for maximum effectiveness but it worked just fine. I made many contacts in the 0-3500 mile range just like I expected I would.
Here is the first cut of a time lapse from my GoPro:
The idea was that I would capture everything going on around us. There was a flurry of activity before, during and after the eclipse. During the eclipse everyone cheered, shot off fire works and otherwise celebrated the event. That was a ton of fun. As soon as totality was over people started packing up and heading out!
We were also able to capture the “Shadow Bands”. Shadow bands are thin, wavy lines of alternating light and dark that can be seen moving and undulating in parallel on plain-coloured surfaces immediately before and after a total solar eclipse. They are caused by the solar crescent thinning to a narrow slit, which increasingly collimates the light reaching Earth in the moments just before and after totality.
I think it’s fun that at some point the camera was thrown into the sheet, probably unconsciously, to watch everything going on around us.
We didn’t. We packed up slowly and planned to load up the car and head into Andrews for some dinner while the traffic bled off a bit. We could tell it was going slow on the road so we thought we’d let it loosen up. Little did we know that in the next 24 hours it will be very difficult to get back home.
After we has some dinner, packed up the car, motorcycle and trailer we took off from Andrews and headed out the only real road out of town towards Asheville. We thought the traffic would have thinned by the time we got on the road hours after the eclipse where all the eager types had blazed the trail in front of us. It was a good plan anyway.
But that plan didn’t work out. After 4 hours and being rerouted by Waze several times we were in Maggie Valley only 74 miles towards our destination in Northern Virginia. We decided to stay the night and let the traffic continue to bleed off. We thought that was a good plan.
But that plan didn’t work out either. Traffic was pretty good through Asheville and on to I-26 north but the second we got on I-81 our luck changed. The traffic was essentially gridlocked from the intersection of I-26 and I-81 all the way home although we wouldn’t learn the latter until well into the trip north.
Our plans just kept changing as we tried to make it all the way home. At Blacksburg Waze routed us again through the city of Roanoke which even I knew that plan was not a good one. So we got off the main path and headed west towards route 219. SR219 is a goat trail best driven by a motorcycle but we were in a car pulling a motorcycle so we made the best of it. There was very little traffic on the road between Blacksburg and I-64 where we headed east to SR220.
From there it was north towards WV SR48 where we got back on to I-81 into guess what? Yep, grid lock traffic. It was slow going until we got off to SR7. The rest of the trip was uneventful but we were beat tired.
I have to get up in the morning at 5:30am to attend meetings all day in Baltimore. 5:30 will come early.
And all of the logistical nightmare was worth the 2.5 minutes of totality. I’d do it all again tomorrow if there was an eclipse featuring solar totality. We have our sights set on 2024 for the next total solar eclipse.
A solar eclipse wasn’t on my bucket list. It should have been on the short list. I highly recommend you make it to one in your lifetime if you can.
See you in 2024 somewhere on the line that is totality!!
As you may know, I enjoy a nice sunrise. You may not know that I can count on both hands the number of times I’ve gotten up, on purpose, to watch a sunrise.
When I was doing a bunch of work on a network in a previous job one of the things I would do is start work at 2-3am and finish before 5-6am so that I would disrupt as few people as I could. When I worked in my office I would notice some of the most spectacular sunrises through my spider web encrusted window. Usually this was on my way to get a few hours of sleep to start all over again.
13 months ago I started a project by getting three raspberry pi computers and 3 camera modules and programming them to take three time lapse sequences each day; one in the morning, one during the middle of the day and one as the sun goes down. Each of the computers costs about $30 and the cameras are about $25. Of course I had to buy them at a computer store and, like going to Home Depot or Costco, you can never leave these stores without spending way more money than you went there to spend. All I’m saying is the cameras are probably more costly when you factor the entire experience into them.
But I digress…
I’ve written a computer program to take these individual pictures, sew them together in a sequence and then upload them to a central location so I can view them at a more “normal” time of the day. Like not at 5am. Not even 7am. Like when I get up. Sometimes never and some times the day after. I do eventually get to watching them.
All through the year I have to modify the start times of the morning and evening time lapse to adjust for the normal fluctuations of being at 39º north attitude. It is pretty cool to watch the difference during the week on just how much later the sun will come up between now and December 22, the shortest day of the year. And even though it’s imperceptible when you are in the middle of winter the sun really does rise earlier each day which you can easily measure watching these videos over time.
Don’t ask me what I’m going to do with 13 months sunrises and sunsets. There is another project that I initially wanted to do but haven’t programmed just yet. But I do plan on doing that here soon when I can get some time. That is going to take another 12 months to complete. But it’ll be fun.
Anything worth doing is going to take some time to complete. Wax on, wax off…